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Biden Fraud
The Wizardry of Oz

Sometimes it takes a wizard to save the land from crazy.

Fauci Hoax
Dr. Oz Vs. The Thing From Planet Woke

Talented, successful, and dedicated versus lazy, destructive, and barely coherent. It’s your choice, PA.

Wicked Witch Whitmer

This tyrant did more damage to Michigan than a sharknado, all for nothing. No seeds or paint for you!

hoax and change
Freeloading Fetterman

Being a couch potato for 49 years, before entering politics is not good for the circulation.

catch the red wave
Catch the Red Wave

Nothing and no one can stand against the surging tide.


Download Freakuntry free political stickers and memes

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Herschel vs.
Evil Warlock

Neither Georgia nor the country needs another angry, race baiting, ideologue.

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It takes a bulldog to take a bite out of commies.

Buldoc will help keep New Hampshire a free state and America from becoming a province of China.

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Tudor Dixon

Whitmer destroyed her state with worthless lockdowns and bizarre edicts. Vote the bitch out!

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Oz is the right cause.

You can have freedom or you can have total failure. Vote Oz.

whitmer v5

Wicked Witch Whitmer

Download the PDF for 3 1/3 x 4 inch Avery stickers. We suggest weatherproof ones. Click on image to get meme to share on web.

fetterman sticker

Freeloading Fetterman

Download the PDF for 3 1/3 x 4 inch Avery stickers. We suggest weatherproof ones. Click on image to get meme to share on web.

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Cankles, Cackles

Know the difference…

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Ben Franklin

Ben describes equal protection under the law.

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Dr. Oz vs. The Thing From Planet Woke

Neither Georgia nor the country needs another angry, race baiting, ideologue.

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The party of batshit crazy.

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White Liberals

When the CCP turns you and your family into soap, being a proggy won’t sound so good.

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Meet our jackass.

Colonel D. Plorable makes an appearance with ole rotbrain.

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Thomas Jefferson

Tom describes equal protection under the law.

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Frankenfauci’s Monster

We funded our own hit. It’s almost as bad as listening to the liars on NPR.

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Democrats and China

Democrats love what Xi has done to the place. They love one party rule and eliminating political competition, unless it consists of RINOs.

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Democrats, Racism, China

Democrats use charges of racism to win for their Chinese masters.

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Ronald Reagan

This quote comes from a television interview, and is prophetic